"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."
Pablo Picasso
We understand the difficulties of adapting to a digital world. Rest assured, this difficulty is not solely a question of age or demographics: the sector is evolving so rapidly, that we ourselves often had difficulty in keeping up.
We support our clients with a wide arrange of training and development services. This tends to be provided at three levels:
Strategic Level
Big-picture trends and developments in digital and technological change, and the options enterprises or governments have to adjust to it. This level provides an overview of technology, together with a focus on budgeting, ROI, adaptation, customers, competitors and business results. Business model transformation is a big issue here.
Tactical Level
Core focus on digital technologies and platforms, including deep dives into functional areas such as accounting and finance, sales, marketing, operations, human resources and others. At this level, we restructure business processes and implement the core components of business models. We focus heavily on technology adaptation and process improvement.
Individual Level
At this level, we focus on how users interact with technology. This could include updating an ERP or stand-alone application. It could include managing social media updates or communication. It can include learning about and applying concepts such as UX/UI, CEM, online public relations and more.
Our services include:
Strategically-aligning digital transformation to enterprise strategy;
Technology and transformation audits;
Training and non-training needs analysis;
Core training in technologies such as Facebook, Mailchimp, Google Analytics and more;
Core training in methodologies such as CEM, UX/UI, sales funnel conversion and more;
Mentoring and development;
Organisational change.
It is important to remember that we ourselves have been through the process of digital transformation, and are continuing this journey daily. The accumulated experience from our own group as well as our clients over the past 25 years is an invaluable guideline for change.

To learn more about how we can help you achieve your digital and technology aims, please contact us. We treat your data, objectives and status with respect and confidentiality. The solutions we recommend are tailor made for you and have your best current and future objectives and capacity in mind.