“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.”
Bill Gates, Founder, Microsoft Corporation
Digital transformation is a structured process by which an enterprise's core strategic functions are placed online. This creates efficiency, productivity and control benefits for management, customers, vendors, staff and other key stakeholders.
In developing digital transformation projects, we take a structured approach that has benefitted us and our clients over hundreds of consulting projects. This includes:
Current assessment of company operations;
Setting strategic objectives and related objectives: processing times, efficiencies, customer experience, etc.;
Developing a structured plan to migrate key functions online, using custom-developed or existing software, tools and platforms;
Development and customisation; alpha testing;
Beta testing and launch;
Staff training and development;
Continual support and development.
Our digital transformation management system draws heavily on best practise from lean management, including core concepts such as kaizen, kanban, and root cause analysis. We supplement this with waterfall or agile project management, and ensure that client requirements dominate the process through continual meetings, demonstrations, training and documentation.
We select the technology applications for our projects based on a careful assessment of client needs and capacities.
Our digital transformation solutions are designed to add immediate, tangible and measurable value to core operations and business outcomes.

To learn more about how we can help you achieve your digital and technology aims, please contact us. We treat your data, objectives and status with respect and confidentiality. The solutions we recommend are tailor made for you and have your best current and future objectives and capacity in mind.